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Would you rather:

hear the constant sound of bells ringing in the background OR misunderstand half of everything said to you? Misunderstand half of everything said to you. Constant bell ringing would drive me crazy.

win a prize that's paid in smaller, monthly increments OR one big, lump sum? One big lum sum. Winning the lottery is the only prize with those options.

choke on a piece of shrimp and have somebody perform the heimlich maneuver on you to save you OR be pushed out of the way of an oncoming bus? Be pushed out of the way of an oncoming bus. Facing death and being saved is great. Choking on a shrimp and the heimlich are things on my list to avoid having done.
wake up and find all your underwear is too tight OR find all your shoes missing? Find all my shoes are missing. No reason other than comfort. Shoes probably need to be replaced anyways.

Are you more...

01) A Boxing Day/Week (post-Christmas) shopper or "I'm totally broke and why would I keep shopping after Christmas anyway"? I'm totally broke and why keep shopping? Sure sales afterwards are great, but not in my budget.
02) Someone who thinks the human culture far in the future will be much like now or someone who thinks human culture far in the future will be very different from now? Human culture will be far different from now. Tough to measure when things changed but every 40 years will be enough.
03) A digger for truth or one who waits for truth to be brought to you? A digger for truth. Not one to believe it can be brought to you. Seek it out for yourself.
04) A believer that biology explains most human behavior or a believer that higher mental processes dictate most human behavior?
05) Afraid of nuclear war happening or afraid of a mega-tsunami hitting shore near you? Nuclear war. Mega-tsunami hitting Boston are slim.
06) One who thinks that having different adulthood and drinking ages is sensible or one who thinks that having different adulthood and drinking ages is stupid?
07) One who thinks that having different adulthood and sexual consent ages is sensible or one who thinks that having different adulthood and sexual consent ages is stupid? Sensible.
08) A gear in the system or a monkey wrench in the system? Monkey wrench in the system.
09) A stammering idiot when around a gorgeous specimen of whatever gender you're attracted to or the same around them as when you're around plain people? The same around them as when you're around plain people. Although too much to drink leads to the first.
10) One who feels stinged when someone you don't know is critical of you or one who honestly doesn't care when someone you don't know is critical of you? I'm one who doesn't care when someone I don't know is critical of me. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and usually those who don't know me are really poor judges anyways.